Strange Elegance

Midway to finish for my concept of Tsillah, I showed my friend Kalan Ray and asked him if he saw a story in her. He seemed to really enjoy what I had done so far and offered to do a write up about the character outlining one of her many tales. 

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J. R. Coffron & Akihito Combine Forces

Last year at Monsterpalooza sculptor and makeup artist Akihito stopped by my booth and bought a couple prints. Being a fan of his work I asked him if he would ever be interested in working together on a project.  Some time later we decided to meet up for breakfast and chat about the possibilities. His idea was to have me design a new character for the April 2017 Monsterpalooza show for his PPI booth. I thought it was a great proposal, and we agreed to do just that. 


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